First Lord of the Treasury
Leader of the House of Lords |
The Viscount Melbourne |
August 1839–September 1841 |
Lord Chancellor |
The Lord Cottenham |
August 1839–September 1841 |
Lord President of the Council |
The Marquess of Lansdowne |
August 1839–September 1841 |
Lord Privy Seal |
Viscount Duncannon |
August 1839–January 1840 |
The Lord Clarendon |
January 1840–September 1841 |
Home Secretary |
The Marquess of Normanby |
August 1839–September 1841 |
Foreign Secretary |
The Viscount Palmerston |
August 1839–September 1841 |
Secretary of State for War and the Colonies
Leader of the House of Commons |
The Lord John Russell |
August 1839–September 1841 |
First Lord of the Admiralty |
The Earl of Minto |
August 1839–September 1841 |
Chancellor of the Exchequer |
Sir Francis Thornhill Baring |
August 1839–September 1841 |
President of the Board of Trade |
Henry Labouchere |
August 1839–September 1841 |
President of the Board of Control |
Sir John Cam Hobhouse |
August 1839–September 1841 |
First Commissioner of Woods and Forests |
Viscount Duncannon |
August 1839–September 1841 |
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster |
The Lord Holland |
August 1839–October 1840 |
The Lord Clarendon |
October 1840–June 1841 |
Sir George Grey, Bt |
June–September 1841 |
Secretary at War |
Thomas Babington Macaulay |
August 1839–September 1841 |
Chief Secretary for Ireland |
Lord Morpeth |
August 1839–September 1841 |